Author - Nic Maurel
With the Advent of Redhat finally moving into the 21st century we are finally able to create a chroot sftp server without modified packages. A chroot sftp server is a sftp server that has a locked down home directory to prevent untrusted users from fiddling with the underlying operating system. A typical scenario where one would use this is a secure upload and dropoff for acquiring larger files from untrusted third parties.
To start
I used the free version of Redhat, CentOS release 6.4 (Final), with the stock standard openssh-server-5.3p1-84.1.el6.i686. This combination supports what I'm about to show you.  Edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config ...
# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
hash out this value
#Subsystem      sftp    /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server
Subsystem       sftp    internal-sftp

add these four lines at the bottom of the file
Match group sftpusers
ChrootDirectory /home/%u
X11Forwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp

Save and exit the file

Then we restart sshd with "/etc/init.d/sshd restart".
Prepare and create our users
Let's create the  group we used above ..
# groupadd sftpusers
Now we create a user that will use the sftp chroot jail. For your convenience I have created a bash script that does all the creation for you, all you need to do is create type a username and password. (always run as root user)...
if [[ -z $1 ]]
                echo ""
                echo "Usage: enter a username after command";
                echo "eg. add-sftpuser bob"
                echo ""
                echo "- creating $1 chroot directory";
                mkdir /home/$1;
                echo "- creating user $1"
                useradd -s /bin/false -g sftpusers $1 > /dev/null 2>$1;
                echo "- modifying home dir for user $1";
                usermod -d / $1;
                echo "- creating home folder for user $1";
                mkdir /home/$1/home;
                echo "- changing home folder ownership for user $1";
                chown -Rf $1 /home/$1/home;
                echo ""
                echo "- Please set password for user $1";
                passwd $1;

In a nutshell the script creates a home directory named after the user you type in. For example, we want to create the user andrew, we would substitute $1 (our first output) for andrew
# mkdir /home/andrew

then, creates a user with no shell, primary group sftpusers and discards some unwanted output to /dev/null
# useradd -s /bin/false -g sftpusers andrew > /dev/null 2>$1

then, modifies the new user's home dir to /
# usermod -d / andrew

creates an upload folder and gives the new user ownership
# mkdir /home/andrew/home
# chown -Rf andrew /home/andrew/home

creates password for the user that you will be required to type in
# passwd andrew

Here is the script in action, I named my script add-sftpuser
# /admin/bin/add-sftpuser andrew
- creating andrew chroot directory
- creating user andrew
- modifying home dir for user andrew
- creating home folder for user andrew
- changing home folder ownership for user andrew
- Please set password for user andrew
Changing password for user andrew.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Ok so I created a weak password, this is just a demonstration hopefully my passwords will be stronger in a live environment :)  Lets test our user ..
# sftp andrew@
Connecting to
andrew@'s password:
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /
sftp> cd /
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /
sftp> ls
sftp> cd home
sftp> ls
sftp> mput 1.png
Uploading 1.png to /home/1.png
1.png 100% 90KB 90.4KB/s 00:00
sftp> ls
sftp> bye

As you can see I am locked down to my home directory and have one directory that I can upload files to. Superb, safe and secure. But...
What's left? Well what if I didn't just want to use username and password. What if you need you automate. So the third step I will show you how to automate login to the chroot jail.  The way I do it differs from the norm but it works for me.  Instead of using authorized_keys in each users home directory, I will create a directory and put all the public keys there and modify the sshd_config to reference the keys.  Each public key for each user will be referenced as a username variable- eg andrew.pub.  So edit your sshd_config file ..
# vi sshd_config
#AuthorizedKeysFile     .ssh/authorized_keys
AuthorizedKeysFile      /etc/sftpkeys/%u.pub
Save and exit the file. Restart sshd
# /etc/init.d/sshd restart

add your public key file to /etc/sftpkeys/andrew.pub (this file looks exactly the same as any authorized_keys file). Now each of my keys is stored in one location for backup purposes.  Lets test our user.
# sftp andrew@
Connecting to

1 2 3 Chroot Jail, no modified packages, stock standard and can be undone easily if need be. This functionality is definately something I will be making use of in future.
A few gotcha's - disable selinux, and if your openssh package is too old it will fail to restart as it does not support the newer configuration commands.