Access Control Lists in Linux
Author - Nic Maurel

Many linux users today have become familiar with using the standard posix format, but it was argued that the standard user/group/other permissions do not provide enough granularity with regards to assigning permissions. What if I told you it was possible to assign more than one user or more than one group to a file to a directory or file. Interested? Lets continue. The good news is that acl support comes by default in the 2.6 Kernel (checked on Fedora 2 and 4), some 2.4 kernels would have to be patched. The Linux file systems ext2fs, ext3fs, reiserfs, jfs, xfs, and nfs can all be ACL enabled, this depends on the kernel. Now I am not going to talk you through patching the kernel but merely on how to check whether you have acl support enabled.

On fedora Core 4 search for this file
#vi /usr/src/kernels/2.6.xxxxxxversion/.config

and search for these options
CONFIG_EXT3_FS_POSIX_ACL=y         <----  As you can see we have built in support

If you are wanting support with samba type this
# smbd -b | grep ACL

Once again by default on Fedora Core 4's samba version has ACL's built in. Now the last thing you need to do is mount the file system with ACL support
# mount
/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw)
/dev/hda3 on /data02 type ext3 (rw)

I have filtered the output to the specific filesystems that we would look at and as you can see the filesystem is not mounted with acl support so lets do it!
# mount / -o remount,acl

This can be done seamlessly without affecting normal operation, but if you are not sure rather be safe then sorry. Right lets check now.
# mount
/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,acl)
/dev/hda3 on /data02 type ext3 (rw)

Cool! We now have acl support and we are ready to start applying permissions

Using it
There are two commands you need to know to read,edit and add acl permissions.

Lets take a look at setfacl..
setfacl options  [user]or[group]:[uid][gid]or[username][groupname]:[Octalpermissions]or[rwxPermissions] ... filename

looks like theres a lot there but there really isn't, lets take a look at an example..
setfacl -m u:root:rwx file
setfacl -m user:0:7 file

they both do the same thing

[root ]# useradd test
[root ]# cd /home/test
[root ]# touch testfile ; echo hello > testfile
[root ]# ls -l testfile
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 9 Apr 13 08:51 testfile

lets modify these permissions so that only root has access to this file..
[root ]# chmod 770 testfile
[root ]# ls -l testfile
-rwxrwx---   1 root      root          9 Apr 13 08:51 testfile

And there we have it root is the only user that can access testfile. Now lets apply an acl attribute..
[root ]# setfacl -m u:test:rwx testfile
[root ]# ls -l testfile
-rwxrwx---+ 1 root root 6 Apr 13 08:51 testfile

You will now notice that there is a + sign to symbolize extended attributes, lets now read it ..
[root ]# getfacl testfile
# file: testfile
# owner: root
# group: root
user:test:rwx <----- user test has effective permissions of rwx

[root ]# cat testfile
hello         <----- remember we did this at the beginning
[root ]# su test
[test ]$ echo "test says hello" >> testfile
[test ]$ cat testfile
test says hello

And there we have it acls in action, quite scary! When you think about it. There are a few more things you need to know;
so here is a quick tip on how to backup and restore those acls..
getfacl -R --skip-base / > /backup.acl

This backs up the acls of file that only have acls (skips the base permission files) on your root partition to a backup.acl file. Got that? shew!
# cd /
# setfacl --restore=backup.acl

And that's pretty much it, sit back and let it restore the acls.

Final Words
There is a lot more to be learnt about acls under linux, eg. masks, editing file permissions on samba through ntacl control panel, modifying the permissions in general. I just thought this would be a quick guide to get people started on using acls. Remember one thing always test things first before using the shotgun approach on a production box as this could get you into serious trouble as well as allow access to users that don't require it (least priviledge). I hope you had fun!