SSH stands for very secure shell.
It's function is exactly it's name,
can encrypt a remote connecion to another UNIX or LINUX pc's shell
using port 22 as a default. But so what you say? Well what if you don't
want to be around when 2 computers connect? This could be useful in
many different ways and make your workload a LOT lighter. For instance :
Setup a script to do remote
commands to another pc
Start or stop certain
services, using a kill command
Execute a list of commands
sitting either on the local pc or the
remote pc
Get or put files securly
using sftp or scp.
The above examples are just a few
things I can think off of the top of
my head, the possibilities are endless. First of all we have to know how the 2
pcs authenticate with each
other. Usually if you are sitting at your local pc and you want to
connect to a remote pc with ssh you need the following
You need to know a username
and password on the remote machine
eg. root
Ensure that sshd is running on the remote
machine. Type this on the
remote machine if you have local access to it (you
would have to be root to run these commands)
Please note: if the ssh command and grep
for sshd did not work it is
probably either not installed on your system or not running. The best
thing to do would be to consult your documentation or download a binary
or source from the openssh website. Okay now that we have established that
sshd is running we should now be
able to connect to a remote pc from the local one. For reference I will be refering to the
local pc as [Local]# and
the remote pc as [remote]#
Step number
1-Connecting to
remote First try connecting -
ssh root@remote
This will only happen the first
time you connect - The
authenticity of host 'remote (' can't be established.
RSA key
fingerprint is 9f:61:f3:c6:f5:f5:37:e4:fb:59:eb:ed:4d:a9:62:45.
Are you sure
you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Permanently added 'remote' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Type your password and if you have
typed it correctly you should be
prompted with a remote root shell something like this -
Well done you have successfully
connected to the remote machine. Now for
the fun part!
Step number
2-Creating the
keys Setting up Public key encryption is
tricky but not that difficult. Here
is what we are aiming for:
local has its Private Key
remote has
locals's Public key
Time to create Local's keys. Running this command as root means that
only root on local
will be able to use these keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""
I have chosen to create rsa keys as
personal preference, if you prefer
dsa then that is fine, they both have very strong encryption but the
only marginal difference is that dsa is faster at generating keys and
rsa is faster at authenticating, but this is a millisecond time
difference. You will then
be prompted to specify where to put the keys, press
<enter> to accept the
default ~/.ssh/id_rsa
otherwise you can
specify elsewhere.
TIP: ~ stands for
the user's home directory, so if you are root this
would most likely be /root
From the sshkeygen command 2 keys are
generated id_rsa and PLEASE NEVER
EXPOSE the id_rsa! This could
lead to dire
Step number
3-Copying Public
cd ~/.ssh There are a number of ways we can
copy it accross as openssh also comes
with sftp and scp. Before
we do that one must understand the consequences of using
passwordless ssh, if someone else has access to you local machine then
they are going to have access to your remote host (if the person
realises it). From a security perspective it is good practice to use a
more restricted user than root, so at least there is some damage
control. So lets create a
user on remote (you can skip this step if you still
want to use root but I don't recommend it) [root@remote]#
useradd -d /home/bob -c "SSH USER" bob <----
create user bob
passwd bob
<---- create your password for bob
su - bob
<---- change to
[bob@remote]$ mkdir .ssh
create place for public key This would basically create the
place for the public key. Now
that we have bob we need to copy the public key from local to
remote into /home/bob/.ssh . I will show you two ways to copy the key
across - once again it is
personal preference.
-- OR --
[root@local]# sftp bob@remote
sftp> lcd
sftp> cd
sftp> put
Uploading to /home/bob/.ssh/
Once the has copied to/home/bob/.ssh/, you need to place the key into the .ssh/authorized_key2 file. You can
do this from the .ssh
directory with: cat ./
>> ./authorized_keys2 Step number
Permissions This is probably the trickiest part
of passwordless ssh and this is
where most people give up. Don't be discouraged this is the final step
and we are almost there.
cd /home/bob
Because of the nature of ssh the
.ssh directory
chmod -R 700 ./.ssh
Bob must own the file and directory
as well
chown -R bob ./.ssh Here is the tricky part where most
people get caught out
ls -al
drwx------ 5 bob
bob 4096 May 12
13:46 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root
root 4096 May 12 13:45
.. ------------> Note the 755 permission
-rwx------ 1 bob
22 May 12 13:46 .bash_history
-rwx------ 1 bob
24 May 12 13:45 .bash_logout
-rwx------ 1 bob
bob 191 May
12 13:45 .bash_profile
-rwx------ 1 bob
bob 124 May
12 13:45 .bashrc
-rwx------ 1 bob
bob 120 May
12 13:45 .gtkrc
drwx------ 2 bob
bob 4096 May 12
13:53 .ssh
This 755 permission is a permission
of the directory below -/home.
The directory below must be
set at 755 or better or passwordless ssh
will not work. And that's
it! You are now ready to ssh passwordless onto remote from
local. Here is a quick test [root@local]#
ssh bob@remote ls -al
if the directory listing shows up without a password prompt then you
have done it! Well done!
Here's a final tip to leave you
with you troubleshoot with this command
to see the steps that ssh takes
ssh -vv bob@remote <-----
the "-vv" shows verbose connection