John the Ripper and Hashcat - Markov Mode Comparison

UPDATE: Below was my first article on this, my updated article is here

Looking back at the year it seems I spent a lot of time dealing with passwords. While it was fun and enlightening, it brought home again how we start taking our tools for granted. We should always be looking at our tools to see if they can be used better or if they should be replaced. I will admit right up front, I am a great fan of both hashcat and john the ripper, and I think they are both great tools. They each excel in certain areas, but there is always a lot of debate over which is better. This intensifies when the comparison is around the implementation of the "Markov" mode attack. I will not repeat what you can find on wikipedia but in VERY simple terms it allows for better "brute forcing" after analyzing a list of already cracked passwords.

Both john the ripper and hashcat implement this, but in different ways. I wanted to see how they stacked up against one another. I have seen some articles on this, but nothing that I personally could look at and say "aha". So I thought I would try it. Let me explain the methodology I used:
I then needed make sure the tests were as fair as what I could make them, so I did some tests. For john the ripper you can generate a listing of how many words would be generated depending on your options chosen:
# ./genmkvpwd ./15-1.stats 0 12
lvl=203 (5304 KB for nbparts) 279 M possible passwords (279211970)
lvl=204 (5330 KB for nbparts) 308 M possible passwords (308990934)
lvl=205 (5356 KB for nbparts) 341 M possible passwords (341968690)
lvl=206 (5382 KB for nbparts) 378 M possible passwords (378479996)
lvl=207 (5408 KB for nbparts) 418 M possible passwords (418920809)
lvl=208 (5434 KB for nbparts) 463 M possible passwords (463686444)
lvl=209 (5460 KB for nbparts) 513 M possible passwords (513245298)
lvl=210 (5486 KB for nbparts) 568 M possible passwords (568133765)
lvl=211 (5512 KB for nbparts) 628 M possible passwords (628904972)
lvl=212 (5538 KB for nbparts) 696 M possible passwords (696203842)
lvl=213 (5564 KB for nbparts) 770 M possible passwords (770693752)
lvl=214 (5590 KB for nbparts) 853 M possible passwords (853137221)
lvl=215 (5616 KB for nbparts) 944 M possible passwords (944394405)
lvl=216 (5642 KB for nbparts) 1 G possible passwords (1045396223)
lvl=217 (5668 KB for nbparts) 1 G possible passwords (1157150786)
lvl=218 (5694 KB for nbparts) 1 G possible passwords (1280839452)
lvl=219 (5720 KB for nbparts) 1 G possible passwords (1417711153)
lvl=220 (5746 KB for nbparts) 1 G possible passwords (1569173589)
lvl=221 (5772 KB for nbparts) 1 G possible passwords (1736786871)
lvl=222 (5798 KB for nbparts) 1 G possible passwords (1922282761)
lvl=223 (5824 KB for nbparts) 2 G possible passwords (2127558397)
lvl=224 (5850 KB for nbparts) 2 G possible passwords (2354700749)
lvl=225 (5876 KB for nbparts) 2 G possible passwords (2 606 095 008)
lvl=226 (5902 KB for nbparts) 2 G possible passwords (2884331225)
lvl=227 (5928 KB for nbparts) 3 G possible passwords (3192234349)
lvl=228 (5954 KB for nbparts) 3 G possible passwords (3533019214)
lvl=229 (5980 KB for nbparts) 3 G possible passwords (3910225126)

For hashcat I had to be a bit more creative:
# ./sp32.bin --pw-max 12 -t 1 ../hashcat-utils-0.9/15-1.stats | wc -l == 12
# ./sp32.bin --pw-max 12 -t 2 ../hashcat-utils-0.9/15-1.stats | wc -l == 8190
# ./sp32.bin --pw-max 12 -t 3 ../hashcat-utils-0.9/15-1.stats | wc -l == 797160
# ./sp32.bin --pw-max 12 -t 4 ../hashcat-utils-0.9/15-1.stats | wc -l == 22369620
# ./sp32.bin --pw-max 12 -t 5 ../hashcat-utils-0.9/15-1.stats | wc -l == 305 175 780 (305M)
# ./sp32.bin --pw-max 12 -t 6 ../hashcat-utils-0.9/15-1.stats | wc -l == 2 612 138 802 (2.6G)

So as you can see, hashcat thresholds 5 and 6 corrolate most closely to the john the ripper 204 and 225 levels respectively. One last thing, lets walk through how we use the markov mode in each tool. Lets start with john the ripper (as it is easier):
rm -rf ./john.pot ./john.rec ./john.log
./calc_stat -p ../../markov-train-15-1.txt stats
./john -markov:225:0:0:12 ../../unmasked.lst

So we remove previous work first, train based upon the control set and then run the tool. For hashcat, because it cannot natively accept the stdin, you have to get creative again:
#First create a pipe
mkfifo temp.pipe

#In one screen / session
./hashcat-utils-0.9/hcstatgen.bin ./hashcat-utils-0.9/15-1.stat < ../markov-train-15-1.txt
./statsprocessor-0.8/sp32.bin --pw-max 12 --threshold 6 ./hashcat-utils-0.9/15-1.stat > ./temp.pipe

#In a second screen / session
./hashcat-cli32.bin -m 100 -a 0 ../../unmasked.lst ./temp.pipe

So what happens when we run the tests? Honestly not what I expected..

15-1 15-2 15-3 30-1 30-2 30-3 full
hashcat 0.41 = --pw-max 12 -t 5  found 194 194 203 198 201 202 179
hashcat 0.41 = --pw-max 12 -t 6
found 745 730 716 742 750 750 581

1.7.9-7 = ./john -markov:204:0:0:12
found 2282 2294 2277 2262 2264 2268 2082
1.7.9-7 = ./john -markov:225:0:0:12 found 17727 17761 17596 17624 17549 17552 19172

Each tool attempted the expected number of passwords, and each did try passwords from 1-12 characters, but regardless - john the ripper consistently cracked more hashes in these tests. But lets take a look at the cracked passwords in more detail:
Training Set
JTR-1.7.9-7 -> lvl 204 -> all 15% tests cases combined
JTR-1.7.9-7 -> lvl 204 -> all 30% tests cases combined 6794
JTR-1.7.9-7 -> lvl 204 -> all tests cases combined 15729
2808 - (17% of total is unique)

JTR-1.7.9-7 -> lvl 225 -> all 15% tests cases combined 53084
JTR-1.7.9-7 -> lvl 225 -> all 30% tests cases combined 52725
JTR-1.7.9-7 -> lvl 225 -> all tests cases combined 124981
22633 - (18% of total is unique)

Hashcat 0.41 -> t5 > all 15% test cases combined
Hashcat 0.41 -> t5 > all 30% test cases combined 601
Hashcat 0.41 -> t5 > all test cases combined 1371
326 - (23% of total is unique)

Hashcat 0.41 -> t6 > all 15% test cases combined 2191
Hashcat 0.41 -> t6 > all 30% test cases combined 2242
Hashcat 0.41 -> t6 > all test cases combined 5014
1077 - (21% of total is unique)

So even with the different training sets, the majority of passwords attempted were identical. What if we look at the overlap between the two tools? Well when you look for this overlap:
# grep -x ./jtr-all.pass -f ./hc-all.pass | wc -l

Now that is interesting. There is actually very little overlap between the two. Seeing this I ran dictionary analysis on the two results. First lets look at the john the ripper analysis:
Top 10 passwords
04-308 = 1 (0.0%)
05%link = 1 (0.0%)
08@@11 = 1 (0.0%)
0belu7 = 1 (0.0%)
0bess0 = 1 (0.0%)
0nerider = 1 (0.0%)
0roel0 = 1 (0.0%)
0trav0 = 1 (0.0%)
0tuan0 = 1 (0.0%)
1000*er = 1 (0.0%)

Top 10 base words
link = 81 (0.36%)
luke = 6 (0.03%)
linkme = 5 (0.02%)
jared = 5 (0.02%)
bang = 5 (0.02%)
anne = 4 (0.02%)
bear = 4 (0.02%)
lipw = 4 (0.02%)
kate = 4 (0.02%)
chan = 4 (0.02%)

Password length (length ordered)
6 = 6338 (28.0%)
7 = 6448 (28.49%)
8 = 7973 (35.23%)
9 = 1780 (7.86%)
10 = 92 (0.41%)
11 = 1 (0.0%)
12 = 1 (0.0%)

Password length (count ordered)
8 = 7973 (35.23%)
7 = 6448 (28.49%)
6 = 6338 (28.0%)
9 = 1780 (7.86%)
10 = 92 (0.41%)
12 = 1 (0.0%)
11 = 1 (0.0%)


One to six characters = 6338 (28.0%)
One to eight characters = 20759 (91.72%)
More than eight characters = 1874 (8.28%)

Now lets look the the hashcat analysis:
Top 10 passwords
abanishe1 = 1 (0.09%)
abbamoses = 1 (0.09%)
abbashanane = 1 (0.09%)
abbieseth = 1 (0.09%)
abbyandelyse = 1 (0.09%)
abbyanderer = 1 (0.09%)
abeersam1 = 1 (0.09%)
abenialata = 1 (0.09%)
abernas111 = 1 (0.09%)
abetastic = 1 (0.09%)

Top 10 base words
cara = 2 (0.19%)
setlolela = 1 (0.09%)
abbashanane = 1 (0.09%)
abbieseth = 1 (0.09%)
abbyandelyse = 1 (0.09%)
abbyanderer = 1 (0.09%)
abeersam = 1 (0.09%)
abenialata = 1 (0.09%)
abernas = 1 (0.09%)
abetastic = 1 (0.09%)

Password length (length ordered)
7 = 1 (0.09%)
8 = 47 (4.36%)
9 = 235 (21.82%)
10 = 348 (32.31%)
11 = 285 (26.46%)
12 = 161 (14.95%)

Password length (count ordered)
10 = 348 (32.31%)
11 = 285 (26.46%)
9 = 235 (21.82%)
12 = 161 (14.95%)
8 = 47 (4.36%)
7 = 1 (0.09%)


One to six characters = 0 (0.0%)
One to eight characters = 48 (4.46%)
More than eight characters = 1029 (95.54%)

It seems that most of the passwords which hashcat found were more-then-8 characters, while john the ripper found most passwords in the 1-to-8 character range. Although to keep it in perspective, john the ripper did actually find more passwords then hashcat in the more-than-8 character range. What was interesting was that only john the ripper found "link" as a common base word. And as one last test, what happens if I take these attempts and try them against the uncracked hashes I have for LinkedIn? Not the full list of unmasked hashes but the ones I am working through but have not cracked yet. Well when I used the john the ripper cracked passwords from my test, none of them were ones I had not already cracked. When I tried the hashcat cracked passwords, I found 3 passwords I had not cracked yet.

Final Thoughts
Where does all this leave us at the end of the day? Well specifically speaking about the "Markov" mode implementation..
So john the ripper does seem to be the tool to start with, but you should not abandon hashcat as it does seem to generate passwords john the ripper does not. Not exactly a smoking gun, but at least we now have a better idea about why and when to use each tool. And that is to be expected, this was not about choosing one over the other, but to better understand each. Try this yourself, play around, learn and have fun.